New Search : Result for Part Number: .Poster-N.300-167b : Item Detail
HELL BENT FOR HITLER-New Departure Coaster Brake Poster
Item# Poster-N.300-167b [.Poster-N.300-167b]
Categories: Posters, Posters-1940's WW-II, Posters-New Departure,
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This poster, produced for XXX, was distributed to retail bicycle stores during the 1940`s around the time of WW-II. Proprietors of bike shops hung these posters on the wall as advertising and support for the American war effort. The tag line of this poster is HELL BENT FOR HITLER. Complete bicycles and the component parts thereof were difficult to obtain at the time because most of the American bicycle industry factories were using the majority of their capacity producing materials for the war effort. Bicycles were under the control of the government and were rationed. Our family bike shop in Minneapolis, MN was fortunate to be able to purchase a limited quantity of bikes and/or component parts. The dimensions are xx xx.

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